Fly Fishing for Kings
Alaska’s Biggest King Salmon Runs’
Specializing in Fly Fishing for King Salmon
A Few Spots Left For 2024

Our Experience Guarantees Your Experience!

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Float Trips

There are a few rivers in Alaska that offer tremendous float trips. My fully guided float trips are a true wilderness experience in the most remote areas of Alaska. I represent only outfitters that have achieved legendary status among their peers and are validated by the legion of satisfied clients they have hosted! Some of…

Remote Tent Camps

These remote tent camps are semi-permanently based, each on their respective rivers. You will fish this river exclusively during your stay. These camps are taken down and removed for the off-season and reestablished the following spring for the fly fishing season. Most are located in designated wilderness areas or national wildlife refuges by exclusive use…

Fly Out Lodges

ALASKA FLY OUT LODGES!  The phrase elicits visions of the greatest fly-fishing in the world! Because it is! Fly out lodges cover very large areas and multiple river systems, you can be on a different river every day, sometimes a couple per day! Destinations for your daily fly-outs are usually within 1/2 hour of the…